Jim Crow 3


A comedian. (the original Jim Crow was a white blackface comedian named Thomas D. Rice who, in 1835, devised a song and dance whose theme went: « Wheel about, turn about/Do just so/Every time I wheel about/I jump Jim Crow. » The act was a great success).

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Like a little Jim Crow, danced up there, jumped up on him, pulled his sword out, chopped his head off like that. Said, "How do you like that, boy?" Reached down and got him by the hair of his head. Said, "Come on, boys, let's preach Divine healing." Way they went. Hallelujah.


The expression Jim Crow came to symbolize, for the American Blacks, every form of segregation and discrimination imposed upon them by the predominantly white power structure. For more than a century expressions like « Jim Crow laws » and « Jim Crow schools » were widely heard.


Now, down there they have a law of segregation: Jim Crow law. And the white and colored cannot come together. And so... I don't think that's right. But as so --that's wrong. I just don't say that for any respects for our colored friends here tonight, but I don't care if there's nobody here. That's wrong.


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