Ouija board 3


The Trade name for a device used by spiritualists, mediums and others trying to foretell the future. It consists of a large board with letters, numbers, symbols and a few simple words on it, plus a planchette with a pointer, resting on casters, which the communicator maneuvers until, by combinations of letters, it spells out answers to questions. The name is a blend of the French oui and the German ja. Since both words mean “yes”, it's apparent that the board will tell you pretty much what you want to hear.

  1. WHY. - PHOENIX.AZ 60-0309 E-14 014

What a reproach upon the nation. What a reproach it is upon the nation today, to find out that people, sometime who call themselves Christians, go to ouija boards, and spiritualists meetings, and all kinds of tommyrot like that, and fortunes, and telling fortunes and things like, which is of the devil.


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