Ride/Weather the storm 4


Survive a crisis; overcome the dangers; overcome difficulties.

  1. MAKING.A.WAY. - JEFF.IN 56-0304 E-38 038

The floods may come and the tides may go, and, oh... But he who's safely in Christ will ride the storm of the atomic the same as Noah did the storm of the flood, safely in the ark.

  2. IF.GOD.BE.WITH.US. - JEFF.IN V-15 N-1 61-1231E 115 054

Isn't it a strange thing, a miracle, that in the face of all of it, Brother Way, in the face of all the denominations, in the face of all the critics, the Bible still remains the same? How did It ever weather the storm? God is determined to judge every man by the Bible.


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