The man of the hour 4


a person who is in demand/very popular because of a success or something he is admired for. 2. a person who arrives on the scene in time to take care of any situation.

  1. UNWELCOMED.CHRIST. - JEFF.IN V-26 N-20 55-0911 197 067

Not long ago, was a healing campaign come to a certain city. "The man of the hour," pictures on their papers, out on the walls and all over everything, and not Jesus' Name mentioned once. I said, "Where does Jesus come in on this? 'Here's the man of the hour. The man with a heart for the people. The God's man for this, and God's man for that."' I said, "Where is Jesus at? I thought He was the Man of the hour. I thought He was God's Man. Where is He at?"


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