Throw/go off on a tantrum 7


suddenly become very or uncontrollably angry; get into a violent, willful outburst of annoyance, rage, etc. sometimes we go our own way

  1. SPIRITUAL.ADOPTION. - JEFF.IN 56-0923 E-31 031

This morning as I was looking at my dear little companion, and I seen my little son when he throwed his little tantrum at the table with his little dish with his eggs and things that mother had worked so faithfully to fix for his breakfast. And she was trying to teach him to eat with his spoon.

  2. PROPHET.ELISHA. - CHICAGO.IL 54-0723 E-10 010

Sometimes we go off on a tantrum somewhere and not think about God, not pray over it, ask the Lord whether we should do it or not, and we find out that our supply of blessings is cut off.


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