Rebel 24


One who stood for the cause of the Southern United States during the Civil War (1775-1783. The army in the South during that time known as "The Rebel Army". Sometimes, in a political way, refers to anyone who lives in the South.


It was the great General Stonewall Jackson, who's been my favorite general since Joshua... Stonewall Jackson was asked one time, "How can you stand with just a handful of men when the opposition is so great?" That's how he got his name of Stonewall. He would not budge. He knew no retreat. What could we accredit a man like that to, a man, when the Yankees come down by the thousands, and he stood there in the minority? But they'd never move him. He stood like a stone wall. All of the rest in the rebel army had retreated back.


to resist authority.

  1. TOKEN.THE_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-19 SUNDAY_ 63-0901M 7-8

I wonder today, when God leads us to a--a life of complete surrender and service to Him, I wonder if our spirits then sometimes don't rebel, kinda showing that: wonder if we are lambs. See, see?


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