Scandal skirt 24


a woman's skirt with a split that caused the undergarment to be seen; tending to cause shock, disgrace or offence to the moral feelings of others.


A young woman come to me some years ago. It's when ladies begin to wear those, what they call scandal skirts in our country. It's kinda split up on the side. And she was a Christian girl of a certain denominational church. And she said, "Brother Branham," said, "do you think it's wrong for we Christians to wear these kind of skirts?" And I said, "What kind is that?" And she said, "It's a scandal skirt." I said, "The first place, I don't see what a Christian want to wear anything that scandals." But I said, "If it... Why are you asking me? There's a question in your mind. And as long as there is a question in your mind, don't do it." That's the best way to stay away from wrong.


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