Throwed the old wings out


In most cases Bro. Branham is describing the mother eagle as she spreads her wings. In the following quote - he is referring to the religious group making a bold boast and prediction, then being proved wrong.


Looky here. The Seventh Day Adventists here not long ago, about fifty or sixty years ago, I seen it in the Courier-Journal paper (I got it somewhere in a trunk.), a great big piece of Courier-Journal paper, where they throwed the old wings out, where when they was called Millerites before they become Seventh Day Adventists. And they had a whole big sheet in the Courier paper up here at Franklin, Kentucky, when they all sold their property and got... They set a certain date, proved it by the Scripture; Jesus was coming on that date, and went up there and got their harps and things, and set upon top the hill. The next morning come down, the dew had took all the feathers down, and they come down deflated. See? It's cults and things.


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