Bootlegger 3


makers, sellers, or distributors of illegal beverages. (It was originated from the fact that the first bootleggers carried illicit merchandise in the legs of high boots when making deliveries. In this sense the word was common in the middle nineteenth century. Since the most easily made and profitably sold commodity was illicit liquor, bootlegger gradually became applied to distributors of illegal booze.

  1. DIVINE.HEALING. - JEFF.IN V-26 N-10 54-1219M 270 090

And we don't care whether it's bootleggers, whether it's prostitutes, whatever it is. Throw the net. You don't know whose in down in there. You don't know. You can't judge. No man can judge. But you can throw the net, and pull them to the altar, say, "Here it is, Lord. I've done my part now."


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