Ecumenical 2


universal; world-wide and refers to the Christian church as a whole. It can also be spelled ścumenical.) Its origin is in the Greek oikoumenikos, meaning “of or from the whole world”. Not until Pope John XXIII called the Vatican Council in 1962 for the furtherance of Christian unity did the word “ecumenical” become part of the language of the man in the street. Ecumenical councils have been part of the history of the Church for centuries, but none had been held for almost one hundred years.

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I got a piece of paper I was going to bring with me, where that the ecumenical father of all the Greek Orthodox and Orthodox churches has talked with Pope John the 22nd, and he said, "We may not see it in our generation, but the great brotherhood in the a-merge of both Protestant and Catholic is coming together."


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