God will help those who help themselves 3


people use it to say that one must put in his own efforts and try, in order to accomplish something). (It was first written by Jean de La Fontaine, a French poet and writer of fables in the seventeenth century. When a political society was formed in 1824 with the purpose of encouraging the middle classes to resist the government, “Aide-toi et le Ciel t'aidera” was adopted as its slogan.)

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There's an old proverb, God-dishonoring proverb, that says that "God helps those who help themselves." That's dishonorable to God. God helps those who cannot help themselves. He is the God of those who needs mercy. And He is a merciful God. And that proverb that says that "He helps those who help themselves, " if you can help yourself, you don't need His help. But He helps those who cannot help themselves.


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