Good riddance! 6


said to show relief when one gets rid of an unpleasant person or something unwanted, or when one completes a tiresome job of work etc.


And if I seen somebody going down the river in a little old boat setting there reading, going on, and I go to screaming at him, "Get out of that boat. That boat will not be able to shoot those ripples." Now, it isn't that I've got anything against that man, if even if I have to bawl him out and talk real hard to him. It isn't I've got anything against the man; I love the man, but I know he's going to crash up. That's the reason I holler at him, because he's not... It's because I do love him is the reason I holler. If I didn't care I'd say, "Well, good riddance," and go on (See?), if I didn't care for him.


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