Results 61 to 82 of 82 Records.
Took the hide off
  1. to overcome, punish or defeat someone severally
Toot/blow one's own horn
  1. be boastful about oneself; be prideful; make others aware of one's own accomplishments; say positive things about oneself; congratulate oneself publicly on one's achievements.
Top of the beam to the top of the horns
  1. from the ridge where the horn protrudes from the hair, to the tip of the horn.
  1. flat, unleavened corn cakes baked on an iron plate or flat stone, used throughout Mexico as the equivilant of bread.
Tough guy
  1. a strong, independent-minded person who seems to be afraid of nothing.
Train in the blocks (The old)
  1. In railroading, a length of track governed by signals
Train on/in
  1. to aim ( a gun, binoculars, etc.) at something;
Trump card
  1. something kept back to be used to win success if nothing else works. To use someone for personal advantage.
Trump up his sleeve
  1. in various card games, a card saved until last for a special purpose, often to impose unfairly. A devious or underlying motive.
Trumpet in ear
  1. a hearing aid shaped like the end of a trumpet or funnel.
Tuck this over in your vest pocket
  1. Just think about it. This is just something you might want to think about.
  1. A game in which two teams pull on opposite ends of a rope, trying to pull the other team over a line marked on the ground.
  2. A contest in which two sides try to defeat each other.
  1. (too-lay (Mex. Tollin)). A reed-like grass or bulrush (Scirpus lacustris), covering immense areas in the South-Western States, especially Texas and California.
Turn a deaf ear (to someone/something)
  1. refuse to listen (to someone/something); ignore
Turn gray
  1. become gray-haired.
Turn in his/her grave
  1. (used for expressing disapproval of something) a person who is dead would be shocked by or angry about something if she/he were still alive.
Turn over a new leaf
  1. Completely change one's behavior or views for the better; improve oneself and start again.
  1. a root vegetable.
  1. a toll road (in olden days, the turnpike, often shortened to Pike, was a pole which was set on a vertical post, so as to bar movement along a road. When the fee was paid, the pike was turned and the traveler passed through and along his way).
  1. A dance movement of the 1960's where the body quickly turns one way and then the other
Two bits
  1. a quarter of a dollar (25 cents). "shave and a hair cut, two bits", a service offered by a barbershop for 25 cents.
Types and shadows
  1. something that represents or symbolizes something to come.

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